Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Camper Galley Travel Tips

Hello happy campers! In an earlier post I told you I would talk about how I stow and go with the galley. I do this without breaking the glass fronted cabinet doors during transit. All of the hanging cups are removed from their hooks and stowed in the main cabin while on the move. The upper shelf gets packed so that everything is snug and it doesn't move left or right. Pretty much as you see here and I pack cups in the center hole. The glass canning jars do not break. I have plastic netting on them and this keeps them from clanking together. The electric burner stows in the top drawer along side the induction burner and the water jug sits on the floor in front of the cabinet doors. Amazingly things stay put even though hubby races down the back roads of America! I swear that sometimes the camper goes airborne!!!!
Behind the glass door is a box insert that hubby made. I can move most of the vertical slats to change the size of the cubby holes. Sometimes I change my gear out between hot and cold weather. I have a cutting board, cast iron griddle, cast iron pots, enamelware pots and pans etc. in these cubbies.
When it is time to travel, I simply place this thin piece of plywood in front of the opening, close the cabinet doors and add extra security by using a bungee cord around the door knobs. This helps prevent the doors from opening during a sudden stop. After three years of camping, everything has stayed put pretty well!
Do you have great ideas to keep your galley secure during transit? Share them with me here!

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